To give you the best possible fit, and therefore best possible ride, Opus developed the Progressive Geometry approach to sizing its road and gravel bikes. 

How does Progressive Geometry work? 

A little bit of geometry

First, we ensure an even progression between sizes, based on the two most important measures reach and stack.

IMAGE comfortfit progressive geo
We sweat the details

Second, we adjust head and seat angles, bottom bracket drop and the length of key components, such as crank arms, handlebars and stems. 

IMAGE comfortfit parts 1
The right bike for the right terrain

And third, by eliminating gaps between sizes and slightly overlapping the fit of each size, Progressive Geometry guarantees that you’ll find the perfect fit, with a wider range of possible riding positions — from low and aero to an all-day leisure posture.

IMAGE comfortfit sizeoverlap 1

With Progressive Geometry from Opus, you can enjoy a more precisely tailored bike, and a more enjoyable riding experience.

Different frames for different needs : 

The most comfortable bike is the one best adapted to how and why you ride. Opus gives you several types of fit: 

LANDINGPAGES Comfort Leisure
Leisure Fit :
A more upright position for a relaxed spin around the neighborhood. 
Active Fit :

Ideal for daily use — from work commute to staying in shape.  
LANDINGPAGES Comfort Performance
Performance Fit :
Higher efficiency for longer, faster rides.