Winter can be long in Canada; it’s something we’ve learned to embrace as part of our country’s DNA. The more you fight it, the more it fights back.

And when it does, there’s nothing you can do but ride out the cold. As long as can be remembered, Canadians have been plowing skating rinks on frozen lakes, ponds, fields and backyards, but we felt it was time for something different to unite our industry friends out of the office. The idea of organising an unofficial winter bike race came to mind. “Break the Ice”, gathered product managers, designers, marketers and brand ambassadors for a day full of friendly competition, laughs, BBQ and maple syrup to top it off! Not even the depths of winter could stop us! Following up “Winterwinds” all we wanted was to get back out there! As seen in the video, a few OPUS bikes shine in these epic conditions namely the all-around favorite on the track; the Mullard  rigid all terrain trail bike as well as our most versatile road adventure bike; the Spark.

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105 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike
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109 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike
110 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike
111 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike
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114 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike
115 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike
116 bottom 768vBreak The Ice Opus Bike